Steel Cap Sisters... Real Sisters!

Half of Steel Cap Sisters.. Drewie- Hard Hat Mentor

Half of Steel Cap Sisters.. Leanne -Mad Mumzie

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Hard Hat Mentor & Mad Mumzie = STEEL CAP SISTERS!

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Thanks for dropping by! This site is a work in progress for us both. Click here to see a view from above of the site and see where the stars lead you :-)

Drewie-Hard Hat Mentor

Are you a leader, safety weirdo or facilitator. How can you make sustainable change in your workplace, actually have fun and enjoy that next powerpoint you have to present, nail that management presentation or handle that tricky conversation...? Hard Hat Mentor is here to help you! Click here to find out

Leanne-Mad Mumzie

Think you want a job in the mines? What does it take to be a miner? Finally get a start and not sure what happens now? Host of "Beers With A Miner" podcast Mad Mumzie is here to help you! Click here to find out

"What Boots? Podcast

What does it all mean? How can you use W.H.A.T. B.O.O.T.S. in your day-to-day life to help you stay on track, be more present, get through tough times, help others in your world and create the life of your dreams? In this episode Steel Cap Sisters reveal what it all means, and how they each use their framework in their lives. Also they were together again at last! Back in Adelaide with holiday boots firmly on.